GHC English - How to install

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How to play guitar hero in control - PC.
Most fans of guitar hero does not know, some people can, but do not know how to play guitar hero in control usb:
But it is much simpler than it seems, all you need is a program called Xpadder:

here the link to download the free version: Xpadder download, extract using seven zip: click to download zip seven, after installing and starting the segunite screen appeared:

However, without the image, select the image in, then go to dpad, put enable and press the directional (not analog), on buttons, place the buttons, each button that you put a square will appear almost transparent, align the image to its corresponding button, if necessary, use the triggers and sticks, and put on-close finish.
this will appear, and you must click on the white square which you want to add a keyboard button, example-or L2-LT (xbox360), a keyboard will appear:
 in this case, press the V or Z (original) that is already configured, and then press the advanced:
 Will appear (just below the assignments, a square with the Z and an empty, click the empty and press the button (on your keyboard) ↑ up arrow UP, directional and close up, repeat on other keys and it looks like this:

 Save your work by clicking the joystick simbolozinho in the upper left if you want a special place (space bar) in the select, the rest you can do alone.

Now order, simply enter the game using your normal keyboard and play with the control.

Then you can use the Xpadder in other games, it also simulates the mouse!

If you could not do this, post a comment here on the blog asking if you could help improve and give this tip to your amigos.Por please post a comment.